Ten Reasons Why Every Couple Should Consider a Humanist Wedding Ceremony

There are far too many magical moments that occur along the celebrant/couple journey to list, but without question, one of the pinnacle points occurs when, after months and even years of getting to know our delightful duos, we get to propel them full force into the dizzying heights of newlywed-ness.

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Tales From the Celebranthood

Over the next few months we’re going to be using our Thursday Thoughts slot as a kind of portal to transport our readers into the wonderful world of the Celebranthood. To kick things off, we thought we would start this series of blogs right at the very beginning of the Fuze journey, so this week we’re shining the spotlight on the first ever Fuze Celebrant and Founder, Anne Widdop, by asking her why she decided to set up Fuze Ceremonies.

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Performing Under Pressure

There is no doubt that one of the attributes of great business champions is their ability to make the right call under pressure. Great teams can win even when they play below their best and the one golden rule is, when the pressure is on go back to basics.

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