UKCAPSA Diploma Graduate, Ayrshire based Humanist Celebrant Marie McWilliams shares how she decided to invest in becoming a Celebrant!

Marie is a huge fan of amateur dramatics, and it was her love of the stage that led her to UKCAPSA. One of her fellow cast members was working as a Humanist Celebrant and as the sat down for a coffee one day, she asked him “what is it you do?”

Continue Reading UKCAPSA Diploma Graduate, Ayrshire based Humanist Celebrant Marie McWilliams shares how she decided to invest in becoming a Celebrant!

UKCAPSA Diploma Graduate, Glasgow based Humanist Celebrant and local Radio DJ Alan Edwards shares what inspired him to take the leap!

UKCAPSA Diploma Graduate, Glasgow based Humanist Celebrant and local Radio DJ Alan Edwards shares what inspired him to take the leap! I had experienced reading at family funerals and weddings and felt a great deal of satisfaction from doing both. My friends said to me, “you would be great at that, why don’t you do it?”

Continue Reading UKCAPSA Diploma Graduate, Glasgow based Humanist Celebrant and local Radio DJ Alan Edwards shares what inspired him to take the leap!

Could I be a Celebrant?

At its core, the role of a celebrant is to craft and conduct ceremonies that are meaningful, personalised, and reflective of the individuals involved. It’s a profession that demands a deep understanding of tradition and ceremony, as well as the creativity to tailor events to the needs and wishes of couples and families.

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UKCAPSA Co Founder and Director, Morag Webster talks about the importance of professional Celebrant training and accreditation

When I embarked on training to become a Celebrant in early 2012, I hadn’t anticipated leaving my beloved role as an established interior designer, managing a thriving business. However, upon completing my training, I felt compelled to pursue a new direction in life.

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What is a Celebrant?

A celebrant plays a pivotal role in wedding, funerals and naming ceremonies throughout the UK and Northern Ireland. Unlike clergy who are affiliated with specific religious institutions, celebrants offer a more personalised and inclusive approach. catering to the preferences and beliefs of the individuals involved. This flexibility allows for ceremonies to be as unique as the couple.

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UKCAPSA Founder, Anne Widdop shares her motivation for establishing the celebrant training academy

Two decades ago, I embarked on an unplanned journey into the world of celebrancy, beginning with the most challenging ceremony I would ever conduct: my mother's funeral. The process of writing and delivering her eulogy, though heart-wrenching, ignited a desire to share a little of her life story.

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UKCAPSA Trainer and Assessor, Paul Browett Talks about his Celebrant Journey

Becoming a Celebrant was a natural step for me, as my background in business management has always involved working closely with others, motivating and inspiring people, and celebrating their achievements. Much of my career has also involved public speaking and training many individuals in their chosen sector.

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UKCAPSA Trainer and Assessor, Yvonne Hannah Talks about her Celebrant Journey

When I turned 40 I fell in love with wedding ceremonies after my husband Allan and I enjoyed our Humanist wedding ceremony at Crieff Hydro on 21st May 2016 (Yes I got a husband for my 40th birthday!) In 2020 I decided to go for it and Yvonne Hannah Celebrant was born.

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UKCAPSA Trainer and Assessor, Debbie Daly Talks about her Celebrant Journey

I love helping & supporting people to achieve what they want in life. I have worked in the voluntary sector for many years supporting families through very challenging situations. I knew weddings had changed and I love how in a Humanist marriage ceremony, the couple are in charge and can choose whatever they want.

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UKCAPSA Trainer and Assessor, Brian Baxter Talks about his Celebrant Journey

Becoming a UKCAPSA Trainer and Assessor was a natural “next step” for me in my celebrant career. Having earned the “in the field” experience as a celebrant over the last couple of years, along with having been an SQA Internal Verifier in my previous career.

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